
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Picking your battles...

Dear little one,

Today you wanted to sit IN your new water table. You begged me to let you get up there and (almost) threw a fit before I lifted you into the too small, not for sitting in play area. 

You see, it sits on legs made of plastic that aren't too steady. I tried to reason with you, explain that it wasn't a pool, but instead a table. I tried to explain that you were still in your clothes, not a bathing suit. I tried to distract with other toys and ideas. Nothing worked. You were determined to sit up there. 

As I looked at you, I quickly realized this wasn't a battle worth fighting and set you in the cramped space. You poured water, giggled as it fell through the center hole, and proceeded to ask me to take you out and put you back in at least 15 times. And you kept saying "see Mama, look!"

And you loved every second. 

And my heart swelled with joy. 

You see, at some point I'm sure we'll have battles to fight - about too-short-shorts and boyfriends, about music that's too loud and how you're always on your phone. I'm sure we'll argue about when it's time for makeup and shaving your legs, about curfews and which friends' houses you can stay at. 

And so instead of creating an opportunity for a fit --over something completely silly since I was standing right beside you the whole time-- I created an opportunity to let you play. 

(Disclaimer: we did discuss and will continue to how she can't get up there without my help) 

I'm learning that a lot lately. Especially over minor things.

 Want the paci that's been on the ground? Go ahead. 

Want to climb up your slide backwards? Sure! 

Want to stand on the back of the shopping cart and hold on for 5 seconds before you get tired and want down? Absolutely! 

Want to brush the whole house with your toothbrush EXCEPT your mouth? Ok!

Want to paint baby's toenails? Let's do it!

Of course, if there's something that might hurt you or cause you long term harm in some way...then I can't let you do it. Because that's part of my job here on earth with protect you, to guide you towards the right. For those things, we'll just have to endure the throw-yourself-on-the-floor-and-kick-and-cry fits. And I'm ok with that. Because maybe you'll grow out of those before you're fifteen... 

BUT if given the opportunity to create joy and happiness, the opportunity to can bet Mama is going to let it happen!

I love you baby girl! I'm so thankful I'm yours! Can't wait to play tomorrow :)

Love, Mama

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Kleenex and selfies

Today I let you pull all the Kleenex out of the box and "blow" your nose with every-single-one. And then we took selfies. Of course you don't know what those are yet. And by the time you do, the trend will be probably be something new. 

As you started to pull the Kleenex out one by one, I almost begged you to stop. I almost moved them to a higher shelf, almost gave you a spankin' while telling you "no" and all the reasons why you should leave them alone. 


Instead, I let you giggle as you pulled out each one. I let you throw them at me and we had a small Kleenex fight. 

[until you threw a fit that they were all over you...then it was over]. :)

Thank you for reminding me today to enjoy the small things. I can't promise that I'll always let you pull out all the Kleenex or make crazy messes, but I do promise to try my best to have as much fun as possible when we can.  


Wednesday, June 24, 2015

bedtime prayers

Over the past several years this blog has evolved (and failed to thrive) from one phase of life to another. I've decided to [attempt] to post different moments, mess-ups, letters, prayers, and such as I experience life as a 1st time mom. Below you'll find my first post ...

Dear little one,

Tonight I put you to bed. That's usually reserved for your daddy but he was at choir practice so I took on the bedtime routine. In fact, he's been the bed-time-guy since you were about 6 months old. Let's face it, he's just better at it than me. He must have a secret he's keeping from me because I cannot get you to sleep as fast as he can...

We tried several different methods tonight, but let's face it - you're just not a good sleeper so we struggle a lot with bedtime/sleeping. Surely you'll grow out of that one day. I promise to try to remember this when you're a teenager and sleeping until noon.

I started out in bed beside you, trying hard not to move or disturb you, but a toddler bed just isn't made for co-anything. We laughed, and sang, and prayed. We prayed for our entire family, and Mickey Mouse  (of course), and all your school friends. Then we laughed some more. That's one thing I'm so thankful for - your laughter and giggle. I said "I love you" and "goodnight" and you repeated in a sweet whisper "lub you too" --- and we snuggled in to go to sleep.

When you finally settled, I moved to the recliner in your room. At first I just rocked and stared at the clock - hoping desperately for you to fall asleep so I could sneak out and have some time to myself. But as the moments ticked away, I started to pray...

I prayed first for you to come to know the Lord. I prayed that your daddy and I would be great examples and lead you in the path toward His grace. I prayed for boldness with your faith, and that we would always encourage that boldness. I asked for the Lord to continue to mold us to be the parents YOU need, to be exactly who God wants us to be for Him and for you. We want to do everything we can to point you to Jesus.

I continued to pray...asking the Lord to allow you to always be as spunky and fun as you are now. You are such a fun little girl, and have been since you were born. You've been such an "easy" baby. We have enjoyed every moment with you (even the toddler tantrums). I prayed that He would allow your personality to develop in a way that only He can and that He would use your sweet heart, laughter, and easy going personality (minus the toddler tantrums of course) to be used for His glory. I also threw in a few words to help us with the whole sharing with others thing. Surely you'll grow out of that, too. ;)

.....And then, in the middle of my prayer, I saw you stir. I held my breath, hoping you'd turn over and go back to sleep. Instead, you sat up in bed, looked at me, and said my name. I reminded you that I was still here. You scooted to the edge of your bed, grabbed your blanket and toddled toward me -  You said "Mama rock" and climbed into my lap... For the first time in several weeks, I rocked you to sleep. (we've been weaning you from being rocked)

And as you fell asleep, I thanked the Lord for allowing you to be here, for entrusting us with your life and your journey. I asked that He would continue to make you an amazing little girl, who loves to laugh. And that I would always join in laughter moments with you.

I placed you in your bed, covered you up with your blanket, and tip-toed out of the room. But even as I sit here, I am so thankful for the sweet moments we were able to share tonight. And I hope that even when you're grown and way too'll still be the little girl who wants to be close to her mama, who wants to climb in my lap...

I love you little girl.

I'm so thankful to be yours.


Saturday, July 13, 2013

20 week update!!

Baby Mc is 20 WEEKS!!!!! woohoo!! We've finally reached the 1/2 way point to our sweet blessing arriving! 

Baby is: the size of a banana!! :) He/she weights about 10.5 ounces. Now that we're at 20 weeks, we get to start measuring baby length from head to toe (before it was head to his/her tail-end). Baby Mc is about 10 inches long (almost a whole foot!)!
Symptoms: I still get nauseous some days but not anywhere close to what it was in the beginning! I've had some headaches and the typical runny nose that a lot of pregnant women get. I'm still not sleeping, but most of the time that's because baby is moving around and kicking so much! That is totally something I can deal with because I love feeling baby kick! :) 
Cravings: french fries, pickles, mexican food, candy, LOTS OF FRUIT!! (although I liked all of that pre-pregnancy, lol). And I'm really loving CEREAL! Any kind, any time of the day...I could eat it for every meal! Specifically I've been stuck on Raisin Bran, but will eat whatever is in the cabinet! 
Aversions: I can eat anything now, unless I'm feeling nauseous and then I don't want to eat anything.
Drinking: As much water as I can! And still getting in my one caffeinated beverage in per day.
Clothes: Still in the same clothes. 
Baby’s heartbeat: 145 (again) on July 11
Gender: No clue. Regardless, we've decided we either have a gymnast, karate kid, soccer player, or really fantastic kickball champion in our future :) This baby loves to move and kick, at all times of the day! :) 
What I miss: Sleeping well, feeling "normal"...
What I’m looking forward to: Finding out if we're having a boy/girl. We find out Wednesday (Lane's birthday), and then will have to keep it a secret for 10 days! The only reason we're going to find out before our party is because our sono is scheduled on Lane's birthday :)

Monday, June 24, 2013

The Power of a Hand

I love sleep.

I know what you're thinking...and yes, I realize that once baby comes I will no longer love sleep. Or at least no longer be able to sleep.... but until baby comes I will enjoy my nights of peaceful slumber.

I like to fall sleep in my own way, sleep my own way (on whichever side I decide that day), and with my own pillow (I usually even take it when traveling). And, for 28 years I enjoyed that sleep... It was wonderful and perfect and lovely. Then, I got married.

And found out that Lane snores. [sometimes]

[Not every night...but most nights. Not ridiculously loud...but loud enough to disturb my slumber.]

I knew within that first week that I HAD to find a solution. I wasn't going to wear ear plugs (I was afraid I wouldn't hear my alarm), and being the sweet newly-married wife, I wasn't going to hit and push and wake him up.

I prayed. and prayed. and prayed. I just knew that God was going to answer my prayer of making Lane a non-snorer. But, it didn't happen...

After enduring several weeks of annoyance, and being the problem solving person I am, I went and got him some Breathe Right strips. [and they worked!!!] For the first time since saying "I do" I had a perfect, uninterrupted sweet sleep! It was perfect...for a few months...until his snoring broke through the strips and pierced my ears (ok, ok, I exaggerate).

I was back to the drawing board...there had to be SOMETHING that would stop his snoring...SOMETHING that would allow me to finally sleep as great as I did before marriage (I know, it's all about me, right? lol). Then one night, in the middle of listening to him create a music melody with his nose, I reached out and put my hand on his back...

And, within seconds, the snoring STOPPED!!!

The next morning I asked Lane if he felt me put my hand on his back and he said no, so I knew we might've found a winner in the snoring fiasco. I tried it again the next night...and like before, as soon as my hand rested on his back, the snoring STOPPED!! Praise Jesus above! I was shouting and screaming (in my head of course...didn't want to wake up the sleeping prince) to God for stopping the snoring so I could rest!

All that to say, there is a beautiful sweet power that exists in the palm of my hand, and in which when placed upon his snoring back, God grants my plea and my wonderful husband quiets, and our room returns to a solace for the remainder of my nights rest. :)

[that is, until November, when babyMc makes his/her debut] ;)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Our McFamily is McExpanding: 16 weeks and counting

It's been almost a year and a half since I blogged last, and so on my fun summer vacation I figured I'd start back up with writing and making notes of all the memories our little McFamily is making. :) 
Since last writing:
  • Lane and I got married (we celebrated a year on May 12),
  • we welcomed a sweet pup named Penny into our family (who will turn a year old in July), 
  • we bought a wonderful little house in Hallsville ISD
  • both landed new jobs (Lane at GSMC as an RN and me at Hallsville ISD as a teacher at the junior high),
  • and found out mid-March that we're expecting our first miracle blessing in November (Thanksgiving Day to be exact!!!).
Now that we're in the beginning months of our 2nd year, I figured it's as good a time as any to start blogging again. :) 

I also figured I'd follow the trend and my friend April and start keeping tabs on this pregnancy journey. That's where this first post is heading... She answers questions weekly about baby and how things are going goes nothing. :)
Baby is: According to Babycenter, baby is the size of an avocado and is about 4.5 inches long and weighs about 3.5 ounces. Apparently within the next few weeks I'll start feeling baby move. Right now I just feel baby flutters every now and then.
Symptoms: Nausea is finally slowing down. PRAISE THE LORD! After being nauseous for 16 weeks, it's about time for feeling better! My body didn't like the hormones apparently! :) Other than that, I'm feeling pretty "normal."
Sleep depends on the night. Sometimes I toss and turn and can't get comfortable, other times I sleep deeply and don't move. Today, I didn't even hear Lane's alarm go off or him get ready for work. Must've been one of those deep sleep nights. :)
Cravings: french fries. ketchup (not by itself...that's gross). PICKLES!! 
Aversions: Last week it was meat. We made several different dinners and I couldn't make myself eat the meat. Not sure if it was texture, smell, or what but it was not my friend. Last night I had grilled chicken and that was really good. Maybe it was just a "last week" thing. 
Drinking: As much water as I can! And still getting in my one caffeinated beverage in per day.
Clothes: Still in the same clothes. Some things are getting tighter and I'm now hanging most of my clothing items instead of putting them in the dryer, but I expect by the end of summer to need the beginnings of a maternity wardrobe.
Baby’s heartbeat: 145 on June 12. 
Gender: No idea, but with the heartbeat, I have a feeling it's going to be a boy. Regardless, of legos or princess attire, we just want a healthy baby.
What I miss: Energy! Not feeling like it's a million degrees in our house. I'm hot all the time! 
What I’m looking forward to: Our gender reveal (early to mid July), decorating the baby room, and being able to call this baby by name. :)
Well, I guess that's enough information and fun for my first post back. Thanks again to April for providing the questions that you'll be enjoying each week, along with the wonderful things that happen in our oh-so-exciting McFamily ;) Thanks for joining, and reading...
Until next time :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

My Proverbs 31 Challenge. Introduction. :)

Ever since I entered the youth group as a cute overly awkward seventh grader, the concept of being a "Proverbs 31 woman" has been preached at me. I don't mean this in a negative way at all, but almost every year we had some sort of bible study or girls party or sunday school lesson over being this type of wife for our future husbands. I have read it in probably every translation, listened to songs about it, read books about it, ...anything that has to do with being a P31, I've probably experienced it. 

But, tonight, as I was sitting at my computer checking facebook, I came across a video a friend of mine had posted about a guy from Baylor who has decided he wants "a proverbs 31 woman instead of a victoria secret model". His points were valid and as I watched his video, I started to pray. As he read each verse, I wondered if I could be that for Lane. Can I be the woman that we've always been told we need to be? As I listened to each verse, I realized that I'm far from a lot of those characteristics, and some, I'll probably never be able to attain, BUT at the same time I got really excited that being a "proverbs 31 woman" isn't an overnight thing, it's a constant growing process that I'll learn as our married life begins. And, I've got the rest of our married lives to grow and become the wife I've been called to be!! 

Side note: It would be cool, though, if, I acquired those qualities as soon as we say "I do". Almost like a fairy tale disney movie. The lights and glitter and swirl of the pretty colors would encompass us, and I would suddenly be transformed :) haha. 

Back to reality...

I've decided to really start focusing on these verses from now until we get married. I want to really dive into each verse and see what Gods Word says about the quality in other areas of scripture, and see how I can adapt that verse into my life. I plan to blog about this process (if I can remember to. haha), and I hope you'll join me as I discover what it truly means to be a proverbs 31 woman. I am excited to see what the Lord shows me through this. :) 

After all, if I were to be REALLY honest with you...I so desperately want to be the wife Lane needs. I want to be able to take each verse and be that for him. I desire so much to be shaped by the Lord into the wife that will have the qualities that will compliment Lane and I pray that between now and May 12, that the Lord will instill in me, the qualities that I don't yet have and that He'll perfect in me, the ones that are already there. :) 

For now, I'll leave you with where it all begins... 

10 A wife of noble character who can find?    She is worth far more than rubies. 11 Her husband has full confidence in her    and lacks nothing of value. 12 She brings him good, not harm,    all the days of her life. 13 She selects wool and flax    and works with eager hands. 14 She is like the merchant ships,    bringing her food from afar. 15 She gets up while it is still night;    she provides food for her family    and portions for her female servants. 16 She considers a field and buys it;    out of her earnings she plants a vineyard. 17 She sets about her work vigorously;    her arms are strong for her tasks. 18 She sees that her trading is profitable,    and her lamp does not go out at night. 19 In her hand she holds the distaff    and grasps the spindle with her fingers. 20 She opens her arms to the poor    and extends her hands to the needy. 21 When it snows, she has no fear for her household;    for all of them are clothed in scarlet. 22 She makes coverings for her bed;    she is clothed in fine linen and purple. 23 Her husband is respected at the city gate,    where he takes his seat among the elders of the land. 24 She makes linen garments and sells them,    and supplies the merchants with sashes. 25 She is clothed with strength and dignity;    she can laugh at the days to come. 26 She speaks with wisdom,    and faithful instruction is on her tongue. 27 She watches over the affairs of her household    and does not eat the bread of idleness. 28 Her children arise and call her blessed;    her husband also, and he praises her: 29 “Many women do noble things,    but you surpass them all.” 30 Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting;    but a woman who fears the LORD is to be praised. 31 Honor her for all that her hands have done,    and let her works bring her praise at the city gate.

Images by Freepik