
Thursday, October 30, 2008

basketball and Jesus

This will more than likely be a less heart wrenching post than the last few. That’s mainly because I have this new ’easy going’ – no stress – outlook on life. There are some things I can control, and others I simply cannot, so I’ve decided there is no point in worrying or thinking about it.

At the current moment I am watching the Dallas Mavericks game, and I am reminded just how much I love basketball season. Don’t get me wrong, football is great, but I honestly get really tired of it. On the other hand, I could watch HS football any given Friday night for months on end and never tire, but TV football is just too much. That’s the big plus to being a HS teacher, – getting to watch your kids play on Friday night. But that ends in a few weeks and I am thrilled that it’s time for the OC Rebels (and the Mavs!!) to hit the court. Not only is it getting colder but standing on the sidelines while your nose gets frostbitten is not my idea of fun. Hallelujah for basketball being inside!

*side note* the Mavs really stink at rebounding. They should work on that *end side note*

In other news, my sister is coming in this weekend. I’ll only get to see her for a while on Friday, and I’ve really been missing her lately so I am super excited!! Then next weekend my best friend is coming to town! (and hopefully moving here soon after that) I get to spend time with 2 of my most favorite people in the world in back to back weekends. That is definitely reason enough to celebrate!

In more news, I really enjoy hearing my kids at school talk about God and their lives with Him. Hearing that they are reading their bibles or how He’s working in their lives is such a huge blessing. There are also two of my seniors (on my newspaper staff) who are attending ETBU shadow day in December. I know one is set on going there (and becoming a teacher!) and I’m praying for both of them as God shows them the path for their life and as they obey His direction for them. I know God has big big plans for both of them and I am so excited that I get to be a part of their lives beyond graduation! Praise the Lord for a chance to hear His name at public school!

final news – im exhausted. the game is ending. mavs lost. by 10.blah.

g o o d n i g h t .

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