
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

a few things that get on my nerves:

1. voicemails where the person sounds fakely happy and fakely interested in your life.
2. people who drive really slow in the fast lane.
3. people who turn onto the 50 mph street you're driving on when you are less than 1/2 a mile from them. there is no way they can get up to 50 mph by the time you get there, and you are forced to slow way down.
4. being rushed.
5. people that laugh really loud (annoyingly loud) at things that are absolutely not funny.
6. students who continue to talk after I've asked them not to three times.
7. students that rush up to me before the tardy bell rings asking what we're doing in class (when it is clearly already written on the board)
8. students who come to my desk right as the tardy bell is ringing to see if they can go to the bathroom, library, their locker, etc. my question: what were they doing during the 5 mins they had between bells?
9. people who call you, then start talking to people around them while you sit on the phone waiting...
10. people who call, then ask if they can call you back because someone walked up and they need to talk to them.
11. people who get an attitude with you over things you have no control over.
12. other teachers who try to control my students. it is my class, please let me handle them. if i need your help, i'll ask.
13. people who confront you about things with other people around who have no business in the issue at hand.
14. people who, though you've done thousands of things for them, simply cannot find the time to help you out.
15. students who don't put their name on their paper. i am not psychic, i cannot figure out whose paper it is simply by the handwriting.
16. people who ask obviously stupid questions.
17. the guy in my cul-de-sac who drives his really loud motorcycle in and out of the drive about 10 times per night.
18. annoying girls who scream when famous people sing.
19. students who turn their papers in on my desk. if you know me, you know i am not an organizer (esp at school). chances are, that paper is either going to get thrown away or used for something else :)
20. people who say things like "i wents to the store." or "i seen her at the game" or "i gots to go..."

a few things that highlight my day/week:

1. Jesus. and His amazing grace that ever so beautifully floods my life every day.
2. text messages from my favorite guy friend in the world.
3. random emails from great teacher friends.
4. quiet days at school.
5. the fact that my 3rd period class of 13 students is super quiet, super compliant, and super amazing :)
6. text message conversations that last all day :)
7. lunch with Traci
8. great conversations with my students that go beyond surface level
9. 10pm-? when I get an hour or so to slow down, read, & just be. it's my time and its glorious :)
10. the fact that my mornings are really peaceful.
11. the day when the Rebel Review is sent off to press. (bc that means my stress level drops about 15 notches)
12. When I get home after school and find great (and mostly stupid) shows on tv (Standing Still, Reba, etc).
13. when several of my students make a 100 on their vocabulary quiz.
14. updates from Kerry in china.
15. my roommate. and the fact that we can be completely open and honest. she is one of the best blessings in my life.
16. talks with mom on the drive to work. this happens every day. i really enjoy these moments with her.
17. the fact that my sister called and said that her knee was hurting (after i told her the day before about my knee hurting) about sisterly sympathy pain :) i love her.
18. getting to see Bri twirl. she's amazing. seriously.
19. really great books.
20. really great books that are turned into movies.
21. encouraging verses.
22. sunrises on the way to work.
23. my favorite shows.
24. surprises.
25. education (and life) talks with dad.
26. love.

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