
Wednesday, June 24, 2015

bedtime prayers

Over the past several years this blog has evolved (and failed to thrive) from one phase of life to another. I've decided to [attempt] to post different moments, mess-ups, letters, prayers, and such as I experience life as a 1st time mom. Below you'll find my first post ...

Dear little one,

Tonight I put you to bed. That's usually reserved for your daddy but he was at choir practice so I took on the bedtime routine. In fact, he's been the bed-time-guy since you were about 6 months old. Let's face it, he's just better at it than me. He must have a secret he's keeping from me because I cannot get you to sleep as fast as he can...

We tried several different methods tonight, but let's face it - you're just not a good sleeper so we struggle a lot with bedtime/sleeping. Surely you'll grow out of that one day. I promise to try to remember this when you're a teenager and sleeping until noon.

I started out in bed beside you, trying hard not to move or disturb you, but a toddler bed just isn't made for co-anything. We laughed, and sang, and prayed. We prayed for our entire family, and Mickey Mouse  (of course), and all your school friends. Then we laughed some more. That's one thing I'm so thankful for - your laughter and giggle. I said "I love you" and "goodnight" and you repeated in a sweet whisper "lub you too" --- and we snuggled in to go to sleep.

When you finally settled, I moved to the recliner in your room. At first I just rocked and stared at the clock - hoping desperately for you to fall asleep so I could sneak out and have some time to myself. But as the moments ticked away, I started to pray...

I prayed first for you to come to know the Lord. I prayed that your daddy and I would be great examples and lead you in the path toward His grace. I prayed for boldness with your faith, and that we would always encourage that boldness. I asked for the Lord to continue to mold us to be the parents YOU need, to be exactly who God wants us to be for Him and for you. We want to do everything we can to point you to Jesus.

I continued to pray...asking the Lord to allow you to always be as spunky and fun as you are now. You are such a fun little girl, and have been since you were born. You've been such an "easy" baby. We have enjoyed every moment with you (even the toddler tantrums). I prayed that He would allow your personality to develop in a way that only He can and that He would use your sweet heart, laughter, and easy going personality (minus the toddler tantrums of course) to be used for His glory. I also threw in a few words to help us with the whole sharing with others thing. Surely you'll grow out of that, too. ;)

.....And then, in the middle of my prayer, I saw you stir. I held my breath, hoping you'd turn over and go back to sleep. Instead, you sat up in bed, looked at me, and said my name. I reminded you that I was still here. You scooted to the edge of your bed, grabbed your blanket and toddled toward me -  You said "Mama rock" and climbed into my lap... For the first time in several weeks, I rocked you to sleep. (we've been weaning you from being rocked)

And as you fell asleep, I thanked the Lord for allowing you to be here, for entrusting us with your life and your journey. I asked that He would continue to make you an amazing little girl, who loves to laugh. And that I would always join in laughter moments with you.

I placed you in your bed, covered you up with your blanket, and tip-toed out of the room. But even as I sit here, I am so thankful for the sweet moments we were able to share tonight. And I hope that even when you're grown and way too'll still be the little girl who wants to be close to her mama, who wants to climb in my lap...

I love you little girl.

I'm so thankful to be yours.


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