I'm a tolerator. [yes, i made up that word].
But, it's true. I'm really good at tolerating people; with putting up with them. I'm practically a professional tolerator. [I can add that to my resume' right?]
I tolerate the 15 year old boys who barge into my classroom, yelling, screaming, hitting, and picking on each other, because they're 15 and that's what they do. [apparently]
I tolerate the girl who never turns in her homework on time, or scoots by on her assignments by copying another girl in her class. [too bad I never can prove it, though I am 99.9% sure it's happening]
I tolerate the kid who plays basketball in my neighborhood at random times throughout the day/week(and seems, at times, to be right outside my window). [and it's warming up so he'll be out there more. woohoo]
I tolerate the people behind me in line at the store, who insist on using foul language, even when I've asked them nicely to stop.
I tolerate the attitudes about having to work in class, or the questions about where something is or how something is done in class. [although we are in the middle of the 5th six weeks and have been doing the same routine since day one. who ever said there aren't stupid questions...was wrong]
I tolerate people who constantly throw negativity in my face, and seem to always have something negative to say about something in my life. [this means their jealous of me, right? at least that what's mom/dad always have said]
I tolerate the man who seemingly always ends up in front of me at some point in my drive to school, and never fails to drive approximately 35 miles an hour. [the speed limit is 55]
I tolerate the teenager who, despite the second chances they're given, still chooses to be selfish and take advantage of people.
I tolerate bad attitudes, bad choices, bad looks, bad people, bad breath, and bad days.
But, that's nothing - really - compared to all the tolerating the Big Man upstairs does. I mean, if you really think about it, He tolerates a lot. Complacent Christians, Fence riding "Christians", battles in the Middle East, people using His name in vain, my (at times) crappy prayer life, hypocrites, child molesters, liars,...people who are having affairs, people who are living for themselves, people who tear others down, people who create war within the world (or between others), people who...and the list could go on and on ...and on.
If you think about it, it'd be real easy for God to just reach down and squash those of us that aren't living lives reflecting Him. He could, literally, if He so chose, decide to wipe out all the people of this world who are on the enemy's side, flirting with the devil and playing along with his schemes. He could take it upon Himself to keep a tally of all the things we do wrong, and once we get to a certain number, simply thump us out of existence with a flick of his finger. (and thankfully, He's a God of grace and millions of 2nd chances, and doesn't keep a record of our wrongs!)
[But I'm sure we could think of a few people we'd like Him to get rid of...because just thinking about their sinful life irks us SO much.]
And then I remember this: "all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God"
And this: "thou shall have no other gods before Me" [and the rest of Exodus 20]
And this: "So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth."
And that's just the tip of the iceberg.
I wonder how many times I focus so much on tolerating other people and their issues (talking bad about them or explaining what I'd fix about them, or what they need to do better, or how they did 'this' and 'this' last night), that I sweep under the rug the things that He's tolerating about me...
After all, I am called to "be holy, for I AM holy."
And to "put to death whatever is in you that is of this world, ...and put on the new self that is being renewed in the knowledge after the image of my Creator."
And to "not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."
Right? [gulp]
Maybe this week instead of "tolerating" people and their issues, I'll try being patient with the fact that they may be different than me, or that while they may have qualities that get on my ever-loving nerves (and I want to yell and scream and strangle them b/c I'm so annoyed)... I can find a place in my heart (& attitude) to love them (1 John 4:7-8) and shine some Jesus into their life.
And maybe, I'll lift up that rug in my life where I've been sweeping all the things I know He's tolerating about me...and work on making those better in my life.
After all, I kinda (A LOT) do like being His child. And being loved by Him. and being cared for & blessed. and being able to do His work. And being able to talk to Him. And being able to learn from Him and grow and become who He wants me to be.
[And... I'd really like to avoid being thumped out (I mean, if He so chooses to start doing that. Ha)] :)
1 comment:
So so true! Thank you for sharing!
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