
Saturday, August 30, 2008

oatmeal and tears

I couldnt even make oatmeal right today. That's what set it off. The tears. It's been a pretty......trying day. It didnt start with the oatmeal...but it definitely ended with it...

School has started. I already have to give some classes sentences. (keep in mind, i teach freshmen)

75 to be exact. "I will not talk when Ms. Hinkle asks me not to."

I'm not a strict teacher. In fact, we usually have fun in my class. I dont mind if my students sit together (or even on the floor) while doing an assignment, and I dont even mind if they chat, but I mean really, how hard is it to just sit and listen for 10 mins while I explain the assignment? So 2 class periods had to write sentences on Thursday. That in itself, is completely ridiculous. I don't remember having to do that in HS - I don't even remember being in a class where people wouldnt shut up and listen. It's really not that hard...

On the other hand, I really like my students. They are fun and exciting and haven't complained so much (except for 7th/8th periods). I'm also teaching the 8th grade pre-ap English class and I have a Rebel Review class this year (with 5 students) so that will be a huge load off my plate.

What's really great is that I only have 2 girls with the same name. Last year I had several Brittany's (spelled different ways of course), a few Ben's, some more Jordan's, ...and you get my drift. This year, however, I have 2 Sierra's. No other repeaters. :) It's weird bc you don't see Sierra very much at all, and I get 2 :) Anyway, ...if you think of it, pray for me and the young minds I will pour into everyday. I just want to be used and stretched. I want them to walk out of my class different from the first day... and I want, though it must be limited, to share Jesus with them in whatever way I can :)

In other news, I (and the roommate) just moved to Gilmer. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1200 sq foot beautiful brand new duplex. It's still in the process of being put together and we have boxes galore everywhere but it's so much better than the place we came from. Hallelujah for chances to move and experience life in a new place.

In final news, I really am struggling with being here. I love Longview - mainly b/c I've lived here my entire life and b/c my family is here (comfort zone actually)...but most of my friends live...simply put...away. Most of you know that I tried to move to Dallas this past summer and after applying at many many places and interviewing in Midlothian, I came up at a dead end. Then one day, almost as if audibly, God said to stay. After arguing and whining a little, I reluctantly agreed (not that my begging would have changed anything) and here I am. I know, without a doubt, that the Lord has something so great in store for me, and I know He wanted me to stay here for a reason (and I'm sure He'll reveal that in time) - but honestly, it is very very hard to be here. If you've ever been in a place where your heart longs to be somewhere different than where you are currently, then you understand exactly what I'm going through. To be completely vulnerable - it sucks. and I'm not happy.

I do know, however, that I can be joyful and that I can choose to find the goodness and the great moments in the midst of being where I am. I know that God is in control and that He is sovereign...and etc. I know that His ways are higher than mine and His path is perfect and right. I know that He chooses all things in life to show us something and I know that down the road I will see it and realize it and learn from it. I get all of that. I know it in my heart and in my mind. I have been taught it, I've read it, and I've heard it from the Lord. I get it.

But's just plain hard.

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