
Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Picking your battles...

Dear little one,

Today you wanted to sit IN your new water table. You begged me to let you get up there and (almost) threw a fit before I lifted you into the too small, not for sitting in play area. 

You see, it sits on legs made of plastic that aren't too steady. I tried to reason with you, explain that it wasn't a pool, but instead a table. I tried to explain that you were still in your clothes, not a bathing suit. I tried to distract with other toys and ideas. Nothing worked. You were determined to sit up there. 

As I looked at you, I quickly realized this wasn't a battle worth fighting and set you in the cramped space. You poured water, giggled as it fell through the center hole, and proceeded to ask me to take you out and put you back in at least 15 times. And you kept saying "see Mama, look!"

And you loved every second. 

And my heart swelled with joy. 

You see, at some point I'm sure we'll have battles to fight - about too-short-shorts and boyfriends, about music that's too loud and how you're always on your phone. I'm sure we'll argue about when it's time for makeup and shaving your legs, about curfews and which friends' houses you can stay at. 

And so instead of creating an opportunity for a fit --over something completely silly since I was standing right beside you the whole time-- I created an opportunity to let you play. 

(Disclaimer: we did discuss and will continue to how she can't get up there without my help) 

I'm learning that a lot lately. Especially over minor things.

 Want the paci that's been on the ground? Go ahead. 

Want to climb up your slide backwards? Sure! 

Want to stand on the back of the shopping cart and hold on for 5 seconds before you get tired and want down? Absolutely! 

Want to brush the whole house with your toothbrush EXCEPT your mouth? Ok!

Want to paint baby's toenails? Let's do it!

Of course, if there's something that might hurt you or cause you long term harm in some way...then I can't let you do it. Because that's part of my job here on earth with protect you, to guide you towards the right. For those things, we'll just have to endure the throw-yourself-on-the-floor-and-kick-and-cry fits. And I'm ok with that. Because maybe you'll grow out of those before you're fifteen... 

BUT if given the opportunity to create joy and happiness, the opportunity to can bet Mama is going to let it happen!

I love you baby girl! I'm so thankful I'm yours! Can't wait to play tomorrow :)

Love, Mama

Images by Freepik